Q: I am an interpreter stuck in Afghanistan. Can you get me out?

A: We are working on cases on a case-by-case basis, and highly recommend that you follow the State process of obtaining a COM approval, and then seeking SIV status. Please reach out the State Department at AfghanSIVApplication@state.gov for further instruction.

Q: Can you evacuate my friend from X country?

A: While we understand the urgency and terror that comes with these requests, we treat every case on an individual basis. We work very closely with the State Department and adhere to all rules and regulations. Your first action should be to contact the State Department as well as your State Representative.

Q: How can I help?

A: You can donate through our website. Our mission covers global conflicts, even when we don't have an active mission, we are always preparing for the next one.

Volunteer: During mass evacuations, the need for volunteers is great. Please feel free to send us a message via our form if this interests you.

Check on a Veteran: Check in on a Veteran you know and if you are a Veteran or know of a Veteran experiencing an immediate mental health crisis, call the Veterans Crisis Line at 800-273-8255, https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/.


